My Ugliest Creation Became My Most Prized One
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My Ugliest Creation Became My Most Prized One

I was excited that my teacher had left me to my devices with the Potter's Wheel. I could see the shape of a bowl forming, and this made me so happy. 😄😄😄😄😄 But in no time, everything was disastrous. Mud was splattering everywhere, on the walls, on my clothes, my shoes, everywhere! 😨😨😨😨😨

The bowl was collapsing and I quickly tried to salvage it, and when I was done, I was super disappointed. I hated what I had done. 😦😦😦😦😦😦

Look at that pic... you can see the difference between that and another piece I'd made that same day. It was so messy, I told my teacher we'd throw it away. He said, "No, we can actually fire this into something good. You wait and see!" 😕😕😕😕😕

I forgot about it... Until one day Arthur, my teacher, brought me the finished product! I couldn't believe how beautiful it looked, even though it was imperfect. Its curves, its misshapen texture, its imbalanced edges... It was perfect to me!!! 💗💗💗💗

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